
tech, life, panda bears

night with katsu

the guy I’m dating, katsu, came over last night to hang out. he got to my place at 5:15 and of course gave me crap that he’d been ready to come over at 5:00 but I rescheduled (this is a big deal because I usually get to give him crap about making me wait). after saying our hello’s I drove us to the grocery store. I pretty much forced him to go grocery shopping with me because I needed marshmallows for rice crispy treats for kitti. ended up getting a few more items, but wasn’t a terribly long trip. oh, it was also his first time in seraphina (my new car) and he said he likes her :3

grocery trip was pretty uneventful except when I tried to hug him and he backed off. I forgot he doesn’t do PDA, but hugging… hugging? I mean is that really PDA? I dunno. just something I noticed.

we got back to my place and hung out, chatted, the norm. I started making the rice crispy treats and found out katsu really likes marshmallows, which I think is adorable. every time I took the marshmallows out of the microwave to stir, he exclaimed how he just wanted to eat the whole gooey mess. I agreed lol. got the cereal mixed in, stirred, pressed into a pan… and then I offered the bowl and spoon to katsu. he had a hard time getting over the fact that it felt wrong to eat off the spoon used to make the food. I laughed of course, because what did mom always do with spoons and beaters after making brownies, fudge, frosting? she gave them to the kids! because it’s delicious! anyway, he got over it and we shared the remains in the bowl. oh, and I found out katsu’s as obsessed with mints and gum as I am :)

cuddled up on the couch and watched most of ‘easy a’ which I’d never seen before. it was good but I wasn’t that into it because I was cuddling with katsu and… well I’d rather pay attention to him >.< he asked me what I was doing this weekend (he’s out of town) and I told him friday and saturday were solid but sunday I didn’t know which guy friend to hang out with. he remarked that I have a lot of guy friends. he then asked how I’d feel if he hung out with a bunch of different girls – I told him I’d be jealous. he laughed that that was a double standard. I gave him a look and asked if he wanted me to explain and he said yes... to give a little background on how my mind works, here’s an example of me going over the top in my reaction to something: katsu: ALSO i was totalllyyy trying to get some yesterday but you’re just like ‘nopenope’ kaese: my roids have some things to say about that would you like to hear? katsu: mmhmm kaese: *clears throat* so first off, I told you I had plans, so obvi I wouldn’t have been able to. and are you saying you’d like me to start breaking plans to not even see you, but just fuck? if that’s the case, are we still trying to date or you just want to use each other for sex? and why would you hold enough sway (yet) to make me want to break plans? *passes out* katsu: whoa there kaese: lol ... I took a deep breath and explained that the only reason I’m hanging out with so many other guys right now is because HE doesn’t want to make our dating exclusive. I want it to be exclusive. if we were together, then I would make him more of a priority in my life and then wouldn’t be seeing so many other guys. that makes sense, right? I’d be jealous of other girls because if katsu doesn’t have enough time for me then why does he have the time for other girls? :( even though it was hypothetical I still got a little riled. I think he’s getting used to my rage though, because the spurts go just as fast as they arrive. and they’re kind of funny. kind of. we also talked about dogs again. he eventually wants to get a dalmatian and I hate all pets. he said that he thinks I’m like how homophobes actually have suppressed homosexual tendencies except with dogs. I secretly, deep down want a dog. he’s wrong. another thing to talk about later -_- katsu left around 10:15 which was WAY PAST my bedtime but I’m glad he stayed as long as he could. I can’t wait to see him again >//<

lack of sleep

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love sleep. I need my seven or eight hours every night to feel refreshed and chipper, dammit. unfortunately I’m a light sleeper; can’t have light, sound, too cold, too hot… so when I moved in to bigwerm’s place a few months ago I expected to have my sleep pattern disturbed somewhat. ruckus’ room and mine share a wall and the doors to the hall are right next to each other. sound will travel, and ruckus is a prime example. ruckus is a cool guy but his sleeping habits are just so off compared to mine. let me explain, using this morning as an example.

10:30p: bed! a little late but I should get enough sleep :/

12:30a: bladder wtfffff stupid medicine screwing up my sleep!! I’m on steroids cuz I had poison ivy :(

2:22a: … is that… love shack? blaring from ruckus’ room? yep. it’s love shack. ruckus goes to bed with earbuds in and wedges his laptop between “our” wall and his bed. sometimes his earbuds unplug and the laptop speakers take over. and ruckus doesn’t listen to gentle, soft sounds. no, last time this happened he was rocking out to madonna. thankfully madonna only belted out one song before the laptop died. THIS MORNING, HOWEVER, I heard love shack for 45 minutes. 45. minutes. of love shack.

3:00a: alarms! alarms! make sure ruckus gets out of bed! usually I wouldn’t have to get up now but he was leaving on business and I make sure he doesn’t oversleep.

3:10a: alarms! alarms! ruckus forgot to turn off his phone alarm and I get to listen to it for ten minutes. yayyyy.

4:50a: alarms! alarms! kaese has to get up for work -_-

thankfully these things don’t happen too often. it was just horrible luck they all did in the same night. it’s pretty ridiculous to wake up to love shack at 2:22am.

weekend madness

I kept telling myself, and everyone around me, that I needed to blog about my life. it’s a semi-hectic whirlwind involving far too many people and I often lose track of what I did. when someone asks you what you did on the weekend and your response is “uhhh…” something needs to change! today I make an effort to change.

things that went on this weekend:

friday I had a google calendar list of “to-do” that mostly got done. look over algebra with ginger, vacuum ruckas’ room, clean the shower… I didn’t find my headphones and still haven’t planned my lunches but meh. I made good on some things.

saturday I needed to get my oil changed on my new car, seraphina (oh, yeah, I have a new car. more on that later). they say you don’t HAVE to do an early oil change on new cars now, but better safe than sorry. at just shy of 1,400 I thought it was prudent, so at 10:30am I got to the owings mills dealership for my free oil change. and tire pressure check. and car wash. the service desk guy, bruce, was super engaging and fun to chat with. he complimented me on my attitude, which I ate up lol, and he also found an owner’s manual for my car (I’d been without one and the sales guy was going to mail me one but I was impatient)! what I really loved was registering my email address gave me updates of when they started working on my car and when it was done. and the free car wash. love free car washes lol. met up with zanzibar and took her around in my car for the rest of the day. had a lovely lunch at jcafe; got a side salad instead of kettle chips which was a great choice. the salad was legit: fresh tomatoes, yellow and red peppers (I skipped the onions) on a bed of mixed greens. skipped getting dessert – trying to watch those sugars… then we went to the mall because I needed jeans, but also found a super-cute shirt at sears for $18 (orig $40). also found an awesome shirt at new york and company, but they only had one of the two colors in my size, and with their BOGO1/2 off sale I didn’t just want to get one. looked online… still debating on whether or not I should shell out $75 for two shirts when I now have a car payment :| stopped by mr tire to see nick, then zanzibar and I parted ways and I stopped by the original dealership where I was going to get a car. see, I went to a toyota dealership first, but ended up getting a kia at another location. however, the original sales guy got credit for the sale since the locations are connected. BUT he and his sales people gave me such a hard time about buying a kia that I felt unwelcome :( I guess it really doesn’t matter anymore since I don’t ever have to go back there, but I thought chris and I could be friends. meh. oh, then I went BACK to mr tire to hang out with nick again lol… closed the shop with the crew and went home. bigwerm and his non-gf came home that night with non-gf’s dog (who was sequestered to the basement because the cat freaked out). and when they tried to go to bed with the dog in the basement, he would NOT SHUT UP. suuuuper glad I don’t own any pets. ugh.

sunday I watched movies and ate food all day with ruckus. first inception, then ace ventura, aliens, and wrapped up the evening with your highness. pizza from pizza hut, and pancakes. omg. never again.