
tech, life, panda bears

here comes september’s recap

did I mention that hoggle got rear-ended in silver spring at the end of august? RIGHT?!!? NEW CAR! LET’S DAMAGE IT!!! I was really pissed off but the man was very nice about everything and obviously since he hit me while I was stopped at a red light it was his fault. but still, started september going to an auto place for a nationwide quote -_-

first monday (labor day), saw the original TRON in theatres with jemaine which was cool. I’d never seen it before. dropped off hoggle to get fixed, picked him up a couple days later good as new! went to ikea with jemaine, and had a horrible experience. oh yes, I’m going to tell you about it.

originally it was just going to be the two of us, but jemaine’s friend needed to get a couch or something and of course I had no problem with that. I told jemaine I’d be there before 1pm and we would leave at 1pm. however, when I got there he was playing fez (his friend just watching) and we ended up leaving 15 minutes late. on top of that, his friend didn’t have a car so jemaine drove and I followed (I needed space in my car for furniture) – I TOLD him not to drive like he normally does (like an aggressive jackass) because I didn’t know how to get to ikea. first right turn, what does he do? go before a shit-ton of traffic. thankfully he pulled into a side street a few blocks down, but c’mon. I JUST said I had to follow him.

we got there and started looking around. things didn’t start irritating me until we got to the warehouse area. jemaine’s friend was looking up stuff on the computer and instead of helping me load my first items (right by the computer), jemaine hung around his friend staring at the screen. when they got all the info they needed, jemaine was like “let’s go to this aisle” and his FRIEND was like “kaese isn’t one of your pieces right here?” yeah… and then the FRIEND helped me load the cart – this guy I’ve only met once helped load my cart instead of the friend I was supposed to move in with. awesome.

so after much loading and pushing of carts, we got into line. jemaine’s friend was taking a long time because he had a lot of stuff and also had to go through the delivery line. since I knew I’d be waiting for awhile, I told jemaine I was going to try to load my car by myself. he said cool. I got down to the parking garage, brought hoggle around to the loading area, and went to work. finally got all the furniture loaded and perfect timing, jemaine texted me: “you do self?” I replied “yeah and I’m really thirsty now.” drove hoggle back to where jemaine and I had parked and I couldn’t find jemaine’s car. just then a torrential downpour started outside. soooo glad I was in the garage. I called jemaine, voicemail. he called me back and I asked where he was and he said something along the lines of “lol in this horrible rain!” and I went ballistic.

needless to say I wasn’t a happy camper when I got back to his place to unload the car. the guys did most of the moving which was nice, but I was still kind of pissy. though I ended up hanging out at jemaine’s while he took his friend home. I gave him some money for soda and watched doctor who. his fuck buddy came by once he was home, then he and I watched doctor who.

sunday I had brunch with zanzibar and our mutual friend (rafael’s again, mmm eggs benedict and cheesy hashbrown balls) which was a lot of fun. caught up on a lot!

ok more later… tired of writing lol


I think I need to make a new category called “catch up” ugh. four months? really, four months? where have I been all this time? well, living life. mostly.



went to a comedy show with everyone for a friend’s birthday. saw um… mickey? from that morning show? it was alright. had pho with jose. that was amazing. because pho is the best. I just noticed jose doesn’t have a nickname, though I don’t think that’s an issue since I pretty much don’t talk to him ever now. ANYWAY. I met jemaine’s daughter, jenova (that’s actually her middle name, how cool is that?). babysat her. well, slept over while she was also asleep lol. apparently I also went out to dinner with bigwerm twice (moby dick once, which was amazing kabob food. but there was another kabob place with devastatingly delicious hummus and I can’t remember the name dammit), kitti (and also a movie but can’t remember which one?), then there’s a weird note about “jemaine movie FAQ time travel” and I have NO IDEA what that’s about. OH WAIT YES THAT’S THE NAME OF THE MOVIE – frequently asked questions about time travel. haha, that movie was awesome. had pancakes with the DJ. um. I don’t know if that’s his actual nickname. I can’t remember.


july 2, 2012 I got in a car wreck and seraphina was totaled. JUST LOOK AT HER FACE. and her at the tow place. and all the airbags that deployed. boooo. I got an airbag burn on my left wrist that’s still discolored, but I like to use it as a reminder that you can’t trust other drivers. so I spent the 3rd getting a rental car and going to the clinic to make sure I didn’t have any internal bleeding (no probs, follow-up was clean as well). 4th of july I did nothing because frankly I wasn’t in a good mood :P

oh! friday the 13th I met up with a new guy from okcupid who had a lisp and didn’t tell me about it before and… that was a complete shocker. I couldn’t get over him saying my name with his lisp; kind of sounded like homestar O_o the mini-golf was fun and he was a nice guy but just didn’t really feel anything.19th met mike (another from okc) and he was pretty cool. I think … first black guy I went on a date with? I’m not counting eli because he’s mixed lol. HALFBREEDS DON’T COUNT!!!! so mike, he was entertaining but after texting with him a little longer I realized I wasn’t going to be into him.

in the meantime, I had to get another car!!! I decided to go with a hyundai accent hatchback this time because there weren’t many rio5’s around that were close to base and that’s what I wanted. meet hoggle. there was only ONE thing I really hated about hoggle, and that was he didn’t have the sunshade extending capabilities that seraphina had. sooooo I visited seraphina at the car graveyard to get the sunshades lol. thankfully, nothing was electrical and the kia rio5 and hyundai accent hatch are really similar and it was an easy switch. so now there’s a part of seraphina in hoggle. she will live on!

had crepes with the DJ at crepes-a-go-go which was amazinngggggg. I need more crepes in my life lol! went to a german fest with zanzibar JUST to eat brats and kraut. so good. I love my german-nessness. OH! that weekend, parents were coming into town because then dad could sign hoggle’s paperwork with me (and they were visiting anyway to drop off my niece axle…) but they had car trouble (chas’ car) and they ended up DRIVING BACK HOME THEN DRIVING ALL THE WAY HERE. they were on the road foreverrrrr but they made it here safely. so yeah. they were visiting. signed for the car, had dinner at sakura which was fun.


aug 1st had dinner at olive garden with the family. had an early dinner thursday at panera (kitti met the folks) then went to china moon on friday. we like to go out to dinner when there’s company lol. saturday I had a day to myself with my parents and sadly I can’t remember what we did. I’m sure I had fun :| sunday we went to aunt and uncle’s house and dad got to see his cousin he hadn’t seen since he was like 8yrs old or something. bigwerm had a birthday, I saw the final batman movie with the great-big-bushy-beard guy, and we also went to mcginty’s for dinner. I had the guiness beef stew and it was perfect. I want more just thinking about it. side note, bushy-beard had a little emotional breakdown when SPOILER ALERT batman supposedly died. I was surprised because guys aren’t supposed to have feelings but it was nice that he was comfortable enough around me to let go lol.

kitti had a birthday, chasbot had a birthday, DJ had a birthday. omg though… I went up to DJ’s house for his party and the door was locked. the music was so loud, after banging on the door, ringing the doorbell, texting and calling DJ with no response, I just left. it was probably for the best. I hate dancing >.> oh, the friday before DJ’s party I visited with eli which was nice. I don’t see him often enough. we built some furniture then went to this nice little mediterranean bistro down the street from him. OH AND I GOT A FULL TIME JOB. first official day was the 20th. go, me. DJ felt bad about me missing his party, so I took him out for dinner at kentland’s diner (I think this is the place).

I don’t want to talk about september yet; I’m already out of steam and I didn’t even say anything interesting :(


again, I lose track of time and energy and forget to blag… let me say a few words, hopefully catch up on everything, and then skip off into the sunset.

the new guy from my last post has a nickname – flight of the conchords (he kind of looks like jemaine clement). we’ll call him jemaine to keep things simple.

june 1 – left work early for a dr’s appt then headed to oreo’s to look for my toaster and stuff. arrived at his place to find someone had placed two boxes full of books on my grandmother’s dining room table. this might not seem like a big deal, but my grandma is dead and the table was one of the only things I took from the house to remember her. on top of that, all three table extensions are in, so the boxes made the table bow. of course I removed the boxes post haste and texted oreo asking he not move my stuff again – I’d be more than happy to move anything he needs moved. later that night I hung out with jemaine again. we watched some more of “jon benjamin has a van” and I don’t remember what else lol.

june 2 – I spent the day with zanzibar in gettysburg at the outlet shops. it was so great, we walked around the entire outlet, bought some fun mini-books, some super-cheap bath & body works stuff, and I tried on a million bras but couldn’t find one I liked -_- on the way back to her city, there was this interesting old-style grocery store so we decided to stop in. I took a silly picture outside with the old-fashioned phonebooth lol. the first floor of the building was like walking into a country farm or something… so much wicker and quilt! the second floor was awesome – they had I think three rooms layed out in a 50’s style coca-cola diner theme. was awesome to see everything, and you could buy anything there! then we got around to the local food type stuff, and we got those old-fashioned candy sticks, zanzibar found a great pair of sunglasses, and also bought some kind of dip mix that looked deadly delicious. after we left the country store, we stopped by the liquor store in zan’s town (love me some whipped cream vodka!) and the farmer’s market (kiwis!). we parted ways after that because she was going to have dinner with her bf, and while I was invited, my energy was waning and I thought it’d be nice for them to have dinner alone. got home probably around 6:30pm, goofed off and went to bed.

june 3 – LAZY. I spent most of the day on the couch watching movies on HBO -_-

june 4 – jemaine and I were texting and he found out I had never seen black dynamite. he insisted he come over the next day for us to watch, but I told him I was busy until thursday. he grudgingly accepted thursday.

june 5 – went over to eli’s after work to help him unpack into his new place. we re-assembled a futon and built an ikea entertainment center. that one was an adventure… we caught up a little, made lewd jokes toward each other, and I left around 8pm because I still had to drive back to MC. was good seeing him :)

june 6 – originally was supposed to go to niece’s band concert, but the little one got bronchitis and an ear infection and wasn’t up to playing. I don’t blame her! because of this, I asked jemaine around 1pm if he wanted to come over to watch black dynamite. he said sure thing! then we chatted about how he reacts to his ex dating, and I told him he was creating a double-standard if he was allowed to date but if she did then he gave her crap for it. anyway… I got home around 5:30, settled in some (laundry, food), then put on the TV. got a text from jemaine saying that he’d talked to his ex (did I mention she still lives in his house?) and apparently she IS bothered by him dating. he told me he and his ex decided to give each other the courtesy of not dating until she had moved out. so pretty much got plans cancelled on me two hours before they’d happen. obviously I wasn’t too pleased with this outcome, so I told him “think of the most sarcastic way to say ‘awesome’ because that’s how I feel.” I sent a few more snarky responses while he continued to explain the situation, but once he started sending pics of him and his daughter being goofy and trying to cheer me up… well, let’s say I caved lol. but still… two weeks without my new friend is going to suck. he said it probably won’t last two weeks because his ex will do something to break the courtesy rule. who knows? right now I’m just trying to get through this week and into a calm weekend.

new guy

last night a new friend came over. I haven’t thought of a nickname for him yet… not really important at the moment. just wanted to recap the night!

he showed up a little after 8:30pm and of course I was super impatient about it. since I usually go to sleep around 9:30pm, whenever someone comes over late I want them to arrive asap. anyway. awkward side-hug greeting. off to a great start lol… went upstairs, gave him a tour of the place, then sat around and talked. we were going to watch that movie based on epic beard man but the sound didn’t work on my ps3, so we watched some ‘jon benjamin has a van’ and goofed off. bigwerm came home early which was a little disappointing, but it was good to see him and he enjoyed watching jon benjamin’s skits.

new friend and I ended up fooling around which was soooo funnn and I really needed it! I’ve been kind of down lately and of course affection helps me get out of a funk :) he left a little after 11pm and I passed out hard! I hope I get to see him again soon.

cut me off one more time…

I think it goes without saying that everyone hates being cut off while driving. there’s that second of fear when you don’t know if you’re going to run into them, the anger when you realize they’re not going to go as fast as you want, and the eventual conscious effort to stifle your road rage. however I’ve been noticing a different kind of cutting off in my life – being cut off while speaking.

we’re all guilty of this: your sister/coworker/imaginary friend is wrapped up in a glorious tale regarding their crazy weekend when suddenly you have a thought that just won’t wait. so you blurt it out, cutting off your dear companion, but then quickly ask them to continue their story. things go back to normal. I understand this happens. what I DON’T understand is why it’s happening more and more often in my life. and you know it wouldn’t be so bad if I thought the other person felt bad for interrupting me (kitti feels bad, I know that), but lately friends have taken to cutting off my words without a care. it wouldn’t be such a big deal except it’s becoming more frequent and it’s happening during somewhat serious conversations. two prime examples:

last week my friend and I went out to lunch and I paid (like I normally do – long explanation I’m going to skip for now). I noticed that time that my friend never says thank you for the meal. never expresses gratitude at all, really. when I brought it up to him this past week, the conversation went something like this:
me: hey this is going to sound weird, but when I take you out for food I need you to say thank you–
friend: you’re right. I never thought of that. I don’t know why I didn’t. anyway.

you might be thinking “oh how sweet, he agrees with you. what’s the big deal?” the big deal is I got cut off mid-sentence when trying to explain a long history of something and he pretty much power-played out of it. instead of letting me finish my thought he agreed as fast as possible, cutting me off, and taking all the power away from my words. am I happy he agreed he needs to say thank you? of course I am. am I upset that he didn’t get the whole story? naturally.

last night I wanted to talk through my concerns with bigwerm over his gf coming over again (they had broken up but are back together now). bigwerm and I have a deal where I buy groceries and he cooks. he usually buys the meat (omaha steaks) so I get a break on that front. however, because my budget is so tight right now, I was unsure of whether or not I could afford more people eating the shared food. so I approached bigwerm hoping to get some advice and talk through it with him. instead, almost immediately into the conversation, he cut me off and said “buy your own groceries.” obviously it wasn’t my intention to upset him (I actually don’t know how he feels about it. I never can read him)… then he said something like “I’m not going to let this be an issue.” well guess what? by cutting me off and drawing a line in the sand, you just made it an issue. what’s so wrong with wanting to talk things through, get honest opinions, and maybe a new perspective? apparently everything’s wrong with that.

so now I feel like crap because I’ve been shit on this week by multiple friends who I thought would offer me more than a few words and a brush-off. meh. life.

a lot of driving

friday after work I picked up zanzibar’s car because hers would fit a desk and side table…

saturday I left the house at 7:45am, got my friend in baltimore, drove to annapolis to get the desk, drove around downtown a bit to enjoy the scenery (was trying to go to chick & ruth’s but downtown was just too crowded and I got anxious), drove back to MC, had sushi at a buffet, went back to my place and moved the furniture in my room, drove friend back to baltimore, returned zanzibar’s car, and drove back home. all in all, was in the car for over six hours. it sucked. I need to stop driving around so much. it costs too much and wears me outttttt. no more day trips. that’s it. the end. for reals this time.

sunday I slept in a bit (totally needed after saturday), straightened up things, ate too much junk food, had my friend joe over to watch ice pirates (pretty much a cheesy 80’s flick making fun of star wars and the like), caught up a bit, played monkey island on the ps3 (the revamped original), then he left around 6:30pm. I ate dinner and cleaned up a bit more, updated my okcupid profile (says I’m looking for long-term dating again… because katsu still hasn’t messaged me), texted with journey (who I still feel awkward around/texting whatever laskdjlksfjasldkf ) then passed out.

and now it’s monday, and I had great plans of doing a 2012 rio5 review but now I’m grumpy and tired and my allergies are noticeable today. grumble grumble. so I’m not doing any of that stuff. so there >.< but here’s my steering wheel cover (Photo0592 currently missing) that I wrapped with ribbon! =^_^= actually can’t decide if I wanna go black and pink as my color scheme, or black and blue/teal… like a nice #02A7E1 or maybe #0078AD. decisions!!!!!!

too emotional

these past several days haven’t been kind to me. I found out some pretty bad news on friday that has permanently altered the way I think about relationships. not going into detail because I don’t want to, but just wanted to mark this milestone.

thursday journey texted me and asked if I was in bed – at 10pm. of course I was; I wake up before 5am on the weekdays! but he charmingly said he wanted to drink and at the time bigwerm and ruckus were still awake drinking so I told journey to come on over. I got out of bed and on my way downstairs passed ruckus – apparently he had an important meeting in the morning and had to be responsible. psh. I finished my descent and walked into the kitchen where bigwerm was on his way upstairs for bed, as well. okay, guess it would just be journey and me!

journey got to my place around 10:30pm. I’d previously told him he could stay until midnight. thought that was fair. anyway, we started drinking and goofing off. I think we went on youtube for some stuff, and facebook because he wanted to know how many friends I had. we also created a plentyoffish account so I could demonstrate why okcupid was better. oh, and I’d randomly received a text from a guy I’d chatted with on pof OVER A YEAR AGO and wanted to check out his profile lol. anyway, journey and I were having a good time when around 11:30pm bigwerm came downstairs. of course my initial reaction was guilt because I’d kept him awake. he assured me he just wasn’t able to get to sleep. then bigwerm decided to make chili dogs (journey had one, I declined) and hang out for a bit. around midnight bigwerm went back upstairs, leaving journey and me alone once again.we had some great fun and time slipped away. suddenly it was 2am. UGH. finally kicked him out (even though I wanted to keep hanging out) and passed out. woke up at 4:45am and wanted to punch babies. thought about how weird it is that we have a good time together and have pretty good chemistry but he says we aren’t a good “dating match.” whatever -_-

friday I had a doctor’s appt during work hours, which totally screwed me getting a full 40 hours, but it did allow me to take a short nap on the table while I waited lol… then work was a blur and I got home and got the last parking spot. ruckus wasn’t happy about that but what was I supposed to do? then bigwerm called ruckus to ask if he wanted 5guys and I was telling ruckus that I wanted some but he refused to tell bigwerm. when ruckus hung up, I asked him what that was about. he said that’s what I get for taking the last parking spot…. really? REALLY? skjfskl;ajfasdfkaj!!!! one reason I’m glad he’s moving out soon – he can be such a child!!! night was relaxing, went to bed a little late after watching TV.

saturday I got up early to get my mudguards installed up at the kia place in owings mills. got done around 11:30am (btw Lee is awesome and he really took care of me), called zanzibar to see if she wanted to hang for a bit, drove up to her place and chilled for a bit. I decided since it was really sunny and warm out that seraphina was probably heated enough to de-badge. so in zanzibar’s parking lot I started spraying the goo-gone stuff and slowly peeling back the badges (the RIO and GTI). somewhere near the end, I got the attention of too many wasps and freaked out. zanzibar was gracious enough to come outside and move the wash buckets near the front door while I drove to safeway’s parking lot to finish the de-badging. (less foliage = less wasps). finally got seraphina all done, washed her up at zan’s, and went back upstairs. relaxed for a bit, then we headed to target, then they had a birthday party to go to so I stopped by the mall. serendipity! new york and company was having a one day 50% off everything sale, which meant I could afford the two shirts I’ve been wanting for over a month!! yayyyy! I also spent some time at mr tire, but my buddy there was really busy so I left soon after. drove back to bigwerm’s, relaxed, passed out.

sunday I did laundry and vacuumed a bit. other than that, spent most of my time on the couch watching movies. bigwerm and ruckus went to the oriole’s game (sad they lost but it was a good game) so I had the TV to myself. they came home and bigwerm made chili cheese dogs and we ate and then I watched him play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night then we went to bed. oh, and I called my mom somewhere in there! happy mother’s day!

all in all, an alright weekend. not as happy as I wanted to be, but I’ll get over this slump soon.

calm before the storm

this past weekend was so odd. first the friday evening was spent doing pretty much nothing. dishes, maybe? ate crap food for sure. I spent a lot of time on reddit which directly affected me going to sleep around 1:30am.

saturday was a different story. woke up at 7:30am thanks to ruckus’ alarm (which of course he snoozed). used bigwerm’s computer to bullshit online, then took a shower. by the time I was done, dressed, and going downstairs, ruckus was up and back from mcdonald’s. he shouted, “GOOD MORNING!!” at me and I responded in a not-so-enthusiastic manner. why would it be a good morning when I didn’t get enough sleep on the weekend? you know, the nights you shouldn’t have to set an alarm? regardless, I left the house around 9:30am and visited bruce at the kia service center. I wanted to ask about mud guards and a tiny tiny chip in the paint on the side of the hood. he and I also chatted for a bit but then I was off to more adventures. it was nice, he sent me an email after my visit to let me know it was great seeing me again (more on this later).

now, background info on my next stop… I’ve been looking for some metal wings to screw into my front license plate. no, I don’t want a whole license plate frame. I just want two wings coming off the screws. because her name is seraphina, I think it’d be really cool to have wings on the front of the car. something relatively small… maybe four inches? but you have NO IDEA how difficult it is to find this!! so after leaving the kia service center, I went to home depot to try and find some metal wings… no luck. by this time, zanzibar had contacted me about the demolition derby that night, saying to meet up at 5:30pm. but since I was already halfway there, I just went up to her city and shopped at kohl’s until she called. OH AND ALSO!!! by this time I’d received a text from an unfamiliar number that said, “is this kaese?” and the convo went back and forth a few times before he told me his name… it was bruce, the service guy. now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t give him my number but obviously they have it on file at their shop. I’m a nice person and I’m not going to report it or anything, but isn’t that a little weird? anyway, back to my convo with zan: we decided to go to j cafe (http://www.myjcafe.com/) for lunch with her bf. then we went to THEIR home depot to get flowers and a gas grill for the bf. I stayed in the shade as much as possible and ended up looking like a lurker lol. the bf got an already assembled grill but it wouldn’t fit in zanzibar’s forrester so after many times of trying to detach the extremities, the bf gave up and we got a boxed one. went back to the bf’s house, I took a nap, then around 5:45pm zanzibar, the bf, one of their friends and I drove to the demolition derby (after picking up some alcohol, of course. side note, new favorite drink: root beer with whipped cream vodka). the derby was awesome. it was really fun rooting for a specific number. zanzibar’s cars always won. rigged? perhaps. we also had delicious funnel cake. omg so fresh and fatty and worth it!

oh, side story, sorry… about journey and katsu.

I’ve been having a rough time of it with katsu. thursday I was gchatting with katsu (the only way we communicate) and he wasn’t going to be able to hang out this weekend. I haven’t seen katsu since april 26th, so I don’t think it was unreasonable for me to be a little disappointed about not seeing him. the other ongoing issue is he’s always green on gchat because of his phone, but that doesn’t mean he’s actually around to chat. so I told him thursday that I needed him to start messaging me since green on gchat for me means I’m actually available. anyway just read the chat snippet and you’ll get the idea. so then friday night I was texting with journey about it, and I mentioned that I was really enjoying my time with him and he stopped texting me O_o turned out his phone had died, but nevertheless I was self-conscious enough about it to re-think my attitude toward journey. we also talked on the phone saturday night and he stressed we were bros. yeah. definitely not going to get too attached to that one lol.

sunday I watched TV/movies all day with bigwerm. felt like such a slacker but it was nice to recover! was kind of hoping journey would text me to hang out, but after our odd conversation saturday I refused to text him first lol.

before I leave, just wanted to say how awesome fancybox is! love lightboxes! cheers ^_^

fun with journey

wednesday night I hung out with the journalist. we got pho at pho & grill around 6pm and stayed there chatting until after 8pm. with nowhere else to go and me not wanting to get drinks, we headed back to my place. journey met bigwerm and ruckus which was cool… ruckus made a drink for journey (captain and orange soda, which is actually pretty good) and I made myself a strong malibu and 7up. you might be laughing at me, saying “strong and malibu don’t belong in the same sentence” but I’m a lightweight! ended up making one more drink for journey and myself and I was pretty damn tipsy for a school night. ruckus and journey were laughing at my expense, and then journey acted like the big brother he is and told me to go get ready for bed XD! so I went and brushed my teeth and put on my PJs and we hung out a little bit more. then it was suddenly SUPER LATE so I walked journey to the door and said good night. all in all, it was a great time and I’m glad he and I have become friends.

crazy weekend

another weekend packed full of extreme social interaction and too much food and drink.

friday I made dinner which was a BIG DEAL because normally bigwerm cooks for me. I made this creamy chicken gnocchi dish posted on food.com which turned out pretty well. whole house smelled like garlic after, though. um. I stayed up too late friday night which affected my energy on saturday. very bad idea.

saturday I went up to zanzibar’s for a few reasons. main reason was to get my niece’s cellphone. I’m switching service from at&t to tmobile and wanted to make sure I had enough of a signal where I needed it. we also went to target for a nice spring sale they were having. of course we had brunch, this time at rafael’s. their cheesy hash brown balls are divine. we also stopped by walmart so I could return an unopened container of motor oil that was for my old car, frankie. then I drove back home, took a quick nap, cut coupons, had a small dinner, and waited for bigwerm and his woman to show up so we could all go to m&m’s for a 30th birthday party. the party was a lot of fun. it was really nice to play beer pong again, and we had an animated game of circle of death. drinks were good, company was good. ruckus wasn’t there because of another business trip, which sucked, but all in all it was a great night. got home after 2am I think, and passed out.

sunday I woke up at 9am to drive to baltimore to pick up the baron. we then drove to my work so I could check that I got a signal on tmobile, then we had brunch at a hibachi buffet. I stuffed myself obese. seriously, after drinking saturday I was really craving horrible food and I made good on that craving. I didn’t eat the rest of the day; that’s how full I was. anyway! we also drove to westminster to go to the mall (I tried on that new york and company shirt again but still can’t get over spending $50 on one item of clothing) and talked to the tmobile guys again. dropped the phone off at zanzibar’s and took the baron home. then drove back home and lazed about for the 1.5 hours before bed. had a nice time texting with this guy who needs a nickname… he’s really funny and I hope he sticks around :D