tech, life, panda bears


I think I need to make a new category called “catch up” ugh. four months? really, four months? where have I been all this time? well, living life. mostly.



went to a comedy show with everyone for a friend’s birthday. saw um… mickey? from that morning show? it was alright. had pho with jose. that was amazing. because pho is the best. I just noticed jose doesn’t have a nickname, though I don’t think that’s an issue since I pretty much don’t talk to him ever now. ANYWAY. I met jemaine’s daughter, jenova (that’s actually her middle name, how cool is that?). babysat her. well, slept over while she was also asleep lol. apparently I also went out to dinner with bigwerm twice (moby dick once, which was amazing kabob food. but there was another kabob place with devastatingly delicious hummus and I can’t remember the name dammit), kitti (and also a movie but can’t remember which one?), then there’s a weird note about “jemaine movie FAQ time travel” and I have NO IDEA what that’s about. OH WAIT YES THAT’S THE NAME OF THE MOVIE – frequently asked questions about time travel. haha, that movie was awesome. had pancakes with the DJ. um. I don’t know if that’s his actual nickname. I can’t remember.


july 2, 2012 I got in a car wreck and seraphina was totaled. JUST LOOK AT HER FACE. and her at the tow place. and all the airbags that deployed. boooo. I got an airbag burn on my left wrist that’s still discolored, but I like to use it as a reminder that you can’t trust other drivers. so I spent the 3rd getting a rental car and going to the clinic to make sure I didn’t have any internal bleeding (no probs, follow-up was clean as well). 4th of july I did nothing because frankly I wasn’t in a good mood :P

oh! friday the 13th I met up with a new guy from okcupid who had a lisp and didn’t tell me about it before and… that was a complete shocker. I couldn’t get over him saying my name with his lisp; kind of sounded like homestar O_o the mini-golf was fun and he was a nice guy but just didn’t really feel anything.19th met mike (another from okc) and he was pretty cool. I think … first black guy I went on a date with? I’m not counting eli because he’s mixed lol. HALFBREEDS DON’T COUNT!!!! so mike, he was entertaining but after texting with him a little longer I realized I wasn’t going to be into him.

in the meantime, I had to get another car!!! I decided to go with a hyundai accent hatchback this time because there weren’t many rio5’s around that were close to base and that’s what I wanted. meet hoggle. there was only ONE thing I really hated about hoggle, and that was he didn’t have the sunshade extending capabilities that seraphina had. sooooo I visited seraphina at the car graveyard to get the sunshades lol. thankfully, nothing was electrical and the kia rio5 and hyundai accent hatch are really similar and it was an easy switch. so now there’s a part of seraphina in hoggle. she will live on!

had crepes with the DJ at crepes-a-go-go which was amazinngggggg. I need more crepes in my life lol! went to a german fest with zanzibar JUST to eat brats and kraut. so good. I love my german-nessness. OH! that weekend, parents were coming into town because then dad could sign hoggle’s paperwork with me (and they were visiting anyway to drop off my niece axle…) but they had car trouble (chas’ car) and they ended up DRIVING BACK HOME THEN DRIVING ALL THE WAY HERE. they were on the road foreverrrrr but they made it here safely. so yeah. they were visiting. signed for the car, had dinner at sakura which was fun.


aug 1st had dinner at olive garden with the family. had an early dinner thursday at panera (kitti met the folks) then went to china moon on friday. we like to go out to dinner when there’s company lol. saturday I had a day to myself with my parents and sadly I can’t remember what we did. I’m sure I had fun :| sunday we went to aunt and uncle’s house and dad got to see his cousin he hadn’t seen since he was like 8yrs old or something. bigwerm had a birthday, I saw the final batman movie with the great-big-bushy-beard guy, and we also went to mcginty’s for dinner. I had the guiness beef stew and it was perfect. I want more just thinking about it. side note, bushy-beard had a little emotional breakdown when SPOILER ALERT batman supposedly died. I was surprised because guys aren’t supposed to have feelings but it was nice that he was comfortable enough around me to let go lol.

kitti had a birthday, chasbot had a birthday, DJ had a birthday. omg though… I went up to DJ’s house for his party and the door was locked. the music was so loud, after banging on the door, ringing the doorbell, texting and calling DJ with no response, I just left. it was probably for the best. I hate dancing >.> oh, the friday before DJ’s party I visited with eli which was nice. I don’t see him often enough. we built some furniture then went to this nice little mediterranean bistro down the street from him. OH AND I GOT A FULL TIME JOB. first official day was the 20th. go, me. DJ felt bad about me missing his party, so I took him out for dinner at kentland’s diner (I think this is the place).

I don’t want to talk about september yet; I’m already out of steam and I didn’t even say anything interesting :(

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