tech, life, panda bears

calm before the storm

this past weekend was so odd. first the friday evening was spent doing pretty much nothing. dishes, maybe? ate crap food for sure. I spent a lot of time on reddit which directly affected me going to sleep around 1:30am.

saturday was a different story. woke up at 7:30am thanks to ruckus’ alarm (which of course he snoozed). used bigwerm’s computer to bullshit online, then took a shower. by the time I was done, dressed, and going downstairs, ruckus was up and back from mcdonald’s. he shouted, “GOOD MORNING!!” at me and I responded in a not-so-enthusiastic manner. why would it be a good morning when I didn’t get enough sleep on the weekend? you know, the nights you shouldn’t have to set an alarm? regardless, I left the house around 9:30am and visited bruce at the kia service center. I wanted to ask about mud guards and a tiny tiny chip in the paint on the side of the hood. he and I also chatted for a bit but then I was off to more adventures. it was nice, he sent me an email after my visit to let me know it was great seeing me again (more on this later).

now, background info on my next stop… I’ve been looking for some metal wings to screw into my front license plate. no, I don’t want a whole license plate frame. I just want two wings coming off the screws. because her name is seraphina, I think it’d be really cool to have wings on the front of the car. something relatively small… maybe four inches? but you have NO IDEA how difficult it is to find this!! so after leaving the kia service center, I went to home depot to try and find some metal wings… no luck. by this time, zanzibar had contacted me about the demolition derby that night, saying to meet up at 5:30pm. but since I was already halfway there, I just went up to her city and shopped at kohl’s until she called. OH AND ALSO!!! by this time I’d received a text from an unfamiliar number that said, “is this kaese?” and the convo went back and forth a few times before he told me his name… it was bruce, the service guy. now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t give him my number but obviously they have it on file at their shop. I’m a nice person and I’m not going to report it or anything, but isn’t that a little weird? anyway, back to my convo with zan: we decided to go to j cafe (http://www.myjcafe.com/) for lunch with her bf. then we went to THEIR home depot to get flowers and a gas grill for the bf. I stayed in the shade as much as possible and ended up looking like a lurker lol. the bf got an already assembled grill but it wouldn’t fit in zanzibar’s forrester so after many times of trying to detach the extremities, the bf gave up and we got a boxed one. went back to the bf’s house, I took a nap, then around 5:45pm zanzibar, the bf, one of their friends and I drove to the demolition derby (after picking up some alcohol, of course. side note, new favorite drink: root beer with whipped cream vodka). the derby was awesome. it was really fun rooting for a specific number. zanzibar’s cars always won. rigged? perhaps. we also had delicious funnel cake. omg so fresh and fatty and worth it!

oh, side story, sorry… about journey and katsu.

I’ve been having a rough time of it with katsu. thursday I was gchatting with katsu (the only way we communicate) and he wasn’t going to be able to hang out this weekend. I haven’t seen katsu since april 26th, so I don’t think it was unreasonable for me to be a little disappointed about not seeing him. the other ongoing issue is he’s always green on gchat because of his phone, but that doesn’t mean he’s actually around to chat. so I told him thursday that I needed him to start messaging me since green on gchat for me means I’m actually available. anyway just read the chat snippet and you’ll get the idea. so then friday night I was texting with journey about it, and I mentioned that I was really enjoying my time with him and he stopped texting me O_o turned out his phone had died, but nevertheless I was self-conscious enough about it to re-think my attitude toward journey. we also talked on the phone saturday night and he stressed we were bros. yeah. definitely not going to get too attached to that one lol.

sunday I watched TV/movies all day with bigwerm. felt like such a slacker but it was nice to recover! was kind of hoping journey would text me to hang out, but after our odd conversation saturday I refused to text him first lol.

before I leave, just wanted to say how awesome fancybox is! love lightboxes! cheers ^_^

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