tech, life, panda bears


again, I lose track of time and energy and forget to blag… let me say a few words, hopefully catch up on everything, and then skip off into the sunset.

the new guy from my last post has a nickname – flight of the conchords (he kind of looks like jemaine clement). we’ll call him jemaine to keep things simple.

june 1 – left work early for a dr’s appt then headed to oreo’s to look for my toaster and stuff. arrived at his place to find someone had placed two boxes full of books on my grandmother’s dining room table. this might not seem like a big deal, but my grandma is dead and the table was one of the only things I took from the house to remember her. on top of that, all three table extensions are in, so the boxes made the table bow. of course I removed the boxes post haste and texted oreo asking he not move my stuff again – I’d be more than happy to move anything he needs moved. later that night I hung out with jemaine again. we watched some more of “jon benjamin has a van” and I don’t remember what else lol.

june 2 – I spent the day with zanzibar in gettysburg at the outlet shops. it was so great, we walked around the entire outlet, bought some fun mini-books, some super-cheap bath & body works stuff, and I tried on a million bras but couldn’t find one I liked -_- on the way back to her city, there was this interesting old-style grocery store so we decided to stop in. I took a silly picture outside with the old-fashioned phonebooth lol. the first floor of the building was like walking into a country farm or something… so much wicker and quilt! the second floor was awesome – they had I think three rooms layed out in a 50’s style coca-cola diner theme. was awesome to see everything, and you could buy anything there! then we got around to the local food type stuff, and we got those old-fashioned candy sticks, zanzibar found a great pair of sunglasses, and also bought some kind of dip mix that looked deadly delicious. after we left the country store, we stopped by the liquor store in zan’s town (love me some whipped cream vodka!) and the farmer’s market (kiwis!). we parted ways after that because she was going to have dinner with her bf, and while I was invited, my energy was waning and I thought it’d be nice for them to have dinner alone. got home probably around 6:30pm, goofed off and went to bed.

june 3 – LAZY. I spent most of the day on the couch watching movies on HBO -_-

june 4 – jemaine and I were texting and he found out I had never seen black dynamite. he insisted he come over the next day for us to watch, but I told him I was busy until thursday. he grudgingly accepted thursday.

june 5 – went over to eli’s after work to help him unpack into his new place. we re-assembled a futon and built an ikea entertainment center. that one was an adventure… we caught up a little, made lewd jokes toward each other, and I left around 8pm because I still had to drive back to MC. was good seeing him :)

june 6 – originally was supposed to go to niece’s band concert, but the little one got bronchitis and an ear infection and wasn’t up to playing. I don’t blame her! because of this, I asked jemaine around 1pm if he wanted to come over to watch black dynamite. he said sure thing! then we chatted about how he reacts to his ex dating, and I told him he was creating a double-standard if he was allowed to date but if she did then he gave her crap for it. anyway… I got home around 5:30, settled in some (laundry, food), then put on the TV. got a text from jemaine saying that he’d talked to his ex (did I mention she still lives in his house?) and apparently she IS bothered by him dating. he told me he and his ex decided to give each other the courtesy of not dating until she had moved out. so pretty much got plans cancelled on me two hours before they’d happen. obviously I wasn’t too pleased with this outcome, so I told him “think of the most sarcastic way to say ‘awesome’ because that’s how I feel.” I sent a few more snarky responses while he continued to explain the situation, but once he started sending pics of him and his daughter being goofy and trying to cheer me up… well, let’s say I caved lol. but still… two weeks without my new friend is going to suck. he said it probably won’t last two weeks because his ex will do something to break the courtesy rule. who knows? right now I’m just trying to get through this week and into a calm weekend.

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