tech, life, panda bears

night with katsu

the guy I’m dating, katsu, came over last night to hang out. he got to my place at 5:15 and of course gave me crap that he’d been ready to come over at 5:00 but I rescheduled (this is a big deal because I usually get to give him crap about making me wait). after saying our hello’s I drove us to the grocery store. I pretty much forced him to go grocery shopping with me because I needed marshmallows for rice crispy treats for kitti. ended up getting a few more items, but wasn’t a terribly long trip. oh, it was also his first time in seraphina (my new car) and he said he likes her :3

grocery trip was pretty uneventful except when I tried to hug him and he backed off. I forgot he doesn’t do PDA, but hugging… hugging? I mean is that really PDA? I dunno. just something I noticed.

we got back to my place and hung out, chatted, the norm. I started making the rice crispy treats and found out katsu really likes marshmallows, which I think is adorable. every time I took the marshmallows out of the microwave to stir, he exclaimed how he just wanted to eat the whole gooey mess. I agreed lol. got the cereal mixed in, stirred, pressed into a pan… and then I offered the bowl and spoon to katsu. he had a hard time getting over the fact that it felt wrong to eat off the spoon used to make the food. I laughed of course, because what did mom always do with spoons and beaters after making brownies, fudge, frosting? she gave them to the kids! because it’s delicious! anyway, he got over it and we shared the remains in the bowl. oh, and I found out katsu’s as obsessed with mints and gum as I am :)

cuddled up on the couch and watched most of ‘easy a’ which I’d never seen before. it was good but I wasn’t that into it because I was cuddling with katsu and… well I’d rather pay attention to him >.< he asked me what I was doing this weekend (he’s out of town) and I told him friday and saturday were solid but sunday I didn’t know which guy friend to hang out with. he remarked that I have a lot of guy friends. he then asked how I’d feel if he hung out with a bunch of different girls – I told him I’d be jealous. he laughed that that was a double standard. I gave him a look and asked if he wanted me to explain and he said yes... to give a little background on how my mind works, here’s an example of me going over the top in my reaction to something: katsu: ALSO i was totalllyyy trying to get some yesterday but you’re just like ‘nopenope’ kaese: my roids have some things to say about that would you like to hear? katsu: mmhmm kaese: *clears throat* so first off, I told you I had plans, so obvi I wouldn’t have been able to. and are you saying you’d like me to start breaking plans to not even see you, but just fuck? if that’s the case, are we still trying to date or you just want to use each other for sex? and why would you hold enough sway (yet) to make me want to break plans? *passes out* katsu: whoa there kaese: lol ... I took a deep breath and explained that the only reason I’m hanging out with so many other guys right now is because HE doesn’t want to make our dating exclusive. I want it to be exclusive. if we were together, then I would make him more of a priority in my life and then wouldn’t be seeing so many other guys. that makes sense, right? I’d be jealous of other girls because if katsu doesn’t have enough time for me then why does he have the time for other girls? :( even though it was hypothetical I still got a little riled. I think he’s getting used to my rage though, because the spurts go just as fast as they arrive. and they’re kind of funny. kind of. we also talked about dogs again. he eventually wants to get a dalmatian and I hate all pets. he said that he thinks I’m like how homophobes actually have suppressed homosexual tendencies except with dogs. I secretly, deep down want a dog. he’s wrong. another thing to talk about later -_- katsu left around 10:15 which was WAY PAST my bedtime but I’m glad he stayed as long as he could. I can’t wait to see him again >//<

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